Thursday, October 17, 2019

Card trick tutorial

Magic, while by itself is very entertaining to watch and perform, is also helpful in letting ones practice languages they are learning. 

Before you perform, you must prepare what to say during the performance. Although the setting of a magic performance is usually informal, you still needs to use appropriate wordings depending on the audience. You will also need to carefully plan your script so the comedic or dramatic moments are delivered successfully.

During the performance, your ability to react quick is put to test. Use your words to distract or gain the audience's attention so that you can manipulate them to focus on certain part of your trick. Build up tension and surprise them with your voice and tone.

Even after the show, you will need to retain the audience's excitement by carefully giving them some hints, yet not enough for them to fully understand the trick.

All these interactions require verbal communication. Some can be prepared, others cannot. Either way, they all provide chances for someone to practice English in an authentic and fun environment.

The following video will help you revise our lesson on how to do a card trick. Please re-watch as you practice. Skip to the tutorial section for details of the trick.

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